The New Zealand banking sector has five major banks and a number of smaller banks which registered with the Reserve Bank of New Zealand.Though the sector is dominate by large Australia banks.
The five major banks in NZ are: ANZ, ASB, BNZ, Kiwibank and Westpac.the country also has credit unions and building societies. They are not banks, although they are supervised by the Reserve Bank, but they offer many similar services.
This article is designed to know the names of New Zealand banks to enable you open bank account from your home country before you move. There are many types of savings accounts and term deposits which earn interest at a higher rate
Top 5 New Zealand banks
1. ANZ Bank New Zealand
ANZ Bank New Zealand is a subsidiary of Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited of Australia. It financial products and services are offer through its Retail, Commercial, and Institutional segments.
2. ASB Bank
This one of the oldest bank in NZ, apart from normal banking service operation, it also offers insurance products and services.Established in 1847.
3. Bank of New Zealand
This among the oldest bank in New Zealand, established in 1861.It later became a subsidiary of National Australia Bank in 1992
4. Kiwibank
The bank provides retail banking products and services to individuals and SMEs and it is state-owned enterprise. it was Incorporated in 2001.
5. Westpac New Zealand
Westpac New Zealand is active in consumer banking and wealth management, commercial, corporate, and institutional banking, and investment and insurance sectors.Founded in 1861
Full names of banks in Australia
List registered New Zealand banks
1. ANZ Bank New Zealand
2. ASB Bank
3. Bank of Baroda (New Zealand)
4.Bank of New Zealand (BNZ)
5. Citibank New Zealand Branch
6. Deutsche Bank NZ
7.HBS Bank
8. Heartland Bank
9. Kiwibank
10. National Bank of New Zealand (NBNZ)
Also read: List of Banks in United states of America,Banks in USA
11. Rabobank New Zealand
12.Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ)
13. SBS Bank (Southland Building Society)
14. The Co-operative Bank
15.TSB Bank
16.Westpac New Zealand
17. Bank of China
18. Citibank N.A.
19. Bank of Baroda
20. BankDirect
21. HSBC Bank
22.Kookmin Bank
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23. Commonwealth Bank of Australia
24.The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
25.Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (New Zealand) Limited
26. Southland Building Society