Are you staff of private companies or government agencies with active salary accounts domiciled in Guaranty Trust Bank, you looking for how to get quick instant loan to upset your emergency bills and you don’t know how to get it?
Gtbank has unveiled Salary in Advance loan which allow customers get funds worth up to three months of their salary at a competitive interest rate of 1.75% per month.
Customers can get Up to 50% of net monthly salary in advance with 30 days duration and it’s Renewable monthly.It doesn’t require any collateral before you can get the credit facility because it’s unsecured instant loan.
However, customer need to earn Minimum salary of N 25,000 for public sector and N 50,000 for private sector employees. The loan package is available within 24 hours.
Let Assume you earn N100,000 as salary and you want to apply for Gtbank salary in Advance loan …Here is the Breakdown of Charges:
.Monthly salary: N100,000
.Maximum Amount Accessible: 50% of monthly salary- N100,000
.Management Fees 1% : N1,000 (debited from his account upfront)
.Commitment Fee 1%: N1,000 (debited from his account upfront)
.Interest paid at the end of the month = (Loan amount x Interest rate x 30 days)/100 x 365 days
.So Your interest paid will be (50,000 x 28 x 30)/100 x365 = approx. N1,151
How Much Salary Advance Can You Get From GTBank?
The Minimum salary is N 25,000 for public sector and N 50,000 for private sector employees.
Who is Eligible For A Salary Advance From GTBank?
The Gtbank Salary Advance is available to individuals who can provide proof of employment, and their income statements
Is GTBank salary advance available to Non-Salary Earners
A loan for non-salary earners is also available at the bank under the QuickCredit loan scheme. The short code for QuickCredit is *737*51*51#
As a non-salary earner you can apply for the QuickCredit for as long as you are earning a minimum of 10,000 Naira — 5 million Naira every month.
How to Apply for Gtbank Salary Advance
To apply for Gtabnk salary advance Simply login to Internet Banking OR
Dial *737*8*2# to apply
OR Visit any GTBank branch or ATM near you
If you face any challenge when applying for Gtbank salary advance loan kindly contact GTConnect, our 24/7 self-service Contact Center: 0700-482666328, 234-1-4480000, 08029002900, 08039003900 to be duly assisted